Ship 2


Adventure begins when you break the surface.

 We play, learn, & lead  with waters spilling from the Virginia Piedmont.

Come Join Us 💧 The water is fine.

About Sea Scout Ship 2  /  Adventure

Our Passion

Water! We spend our time under, on, in, and around water. We paddle, float, swim, SCUBA dive, ice skate, and more. 

Our Waters

We reach the world from North Fork wetlands, Bull Run, Occoquan, Potomac, Chesapeake, & beyond. 

Our Limits

We push'em. We return with interesting stories, building character, serving, and doing stuff far beyond those allowed for younger scouts. 

We sail, kayak, and float.  Come sail with us on our Sunfish and Aqua-Finn.

Our Grounds

NCAC Camp William B. Snyder is our base in Haymarket, VA. The Boat Barn in Vint Hill, VA, is our home with all our equipment and vessels.

Our Direction

We are a scout-led ship. We intend to reach wherever our sea scouts, the current, and the wind takes us.  

Our Scouts 

We are friends from the community, Some of us are dual-registered in Scouts BSA troops. 

Our Advisors & Committee

Our trained, life-long scouters promote responsible, safe program choices, & our youth-led structure. Our committee administers the Ship.
No committee, No Go.

Our Chartered Organization 

Ship 2 is chartered by Centerline Pelorus Consulting. Huzzah! Each adult advisor is approved by Centerline.

Ship 2 Character

Our People 

This is derived from

Our Pledge

I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

Scout Oath

On my honor I will do my best:

Sea Scout Promise

As a Sea Scout, I promise to do my best:

Ship 2 Sentiment


Sea Scouts BSA is unique in that "[m]ore trust and responsibility [is] placed on a Sea Scout than all other programs combined. We challenge them to learn, lead, and pit their skills, ability &  judgement against the most dangerous environment humans dare to go." 

-- Christopher Russell Davis


Adventure looks different to everyone. To some, it might be a simple as a camping trip, or it could mean a journey around the world. 

Amelia Earhart simply stated that "adventure is worthwhile within itself." I can get behind that. Sure. But, you honestly can't really define adventure for yourself until you've wrestled with it -- until it's beat you down, and then picked you back up again. I believe that true adventure exists beyond what you think is safe or obtainable. That's where you see miracles happen, where you get smacked by the harsh reality of the present. 

Yvon Chouinard is famous for saying, "It's not adventure until something goes wrong."  Without mistakes, or conflict, or breakdowns, your story will simply be boring. I believe that adventure is the distance between the present and the fulfillment of your dreams.  How you navigate the in-between is the great unknown.

-- Clay Croft, Expedition Overland


Be Prepared

-- Lord Baden-Powell


Be Healthy. Be Safe. Be Prepared

We meet on Zoom every week on Sunday & Thursday, at 20:00 EDT

Use the button at the top of the page for access.

See details at the Boy Scouts of America | Scouting At Home program.

SCUBA Diving

Our skipper mandates we complete at diving physical before beginning — or returning to — recreational scuba diving. We need to find a doctor referral from the DAN Physician Referral Network. 

Our response:

Do you plan to have any in-person activities this year?

With choices for each of the items, such as 

What guidance did you receive from your local council regarding in person and outdoor activities?