Why Join?
Ship 2 Adventure
Join To Play
The World is Your Oyster
The adventure begins when you break the surface! We are in the water! Have fun. We are 14-21 co-eds out to have a great life.
You are free to explore the fun and exciting high adventure activities of Ship 2. We ask that scouts and advisors follow the rules -- in particular, being thrifty -- but otherwise, have a boat load of fun.
We define our own program -- with the help of Sea Scouts, BSA. We fund the program -- with the help of parents and the committee.
Remember, we are constantly changing our heading to adjust for currents and changing wind. Better yet, grab a line and help cast-off on an adventure with us.
BTW, did we mention YPT?
My belief is that we were put into this world of wonders and beauty with a special ability to appreciate them, in some cases to have the fun of taking a hand in developing them, and also in being able to help other people instead of overreaching them and, through it all, to enjoy life - that is, to be happy.
-- Robert Baden-Powell
We can also suggest other activities that keep us busy:
Dive | Snorkel | Sail | Motor boat | Camp | Canoe | Kayak | Drill | Pizza | Dance | etc.
Again, have a boat load of fun...and be safe!