Why Join?
Ship 2 Adventure
Join To Lead
We cultivate responsibility in character and citizenship; leadership is a by-product.
No one is expected to be perfect the first time -- or the third -- so we have a lot of opportunities to refine your skills. Our goal is to allow those interested, chances to prove themselves and to advance to lead.
For those that prove themselves, there is the chance to take on responsibilities, within the crews, the ship, within the council, and beyond. For details, we borrowed from Sea Scout Manual, 2020 Edition, below:
All Officers are responsible to:
Support the boatswain and officers in their leadership functions.
Work closely with the Skipper and adult leaders.
Lead and inspire by example.
Stimulate participation and encourage teamwork.
Recruit new members for the ship.
Carry out other duties as assigned by the boatswain.
Our ship officers are:
Plan and conduct regular quarterdeck meetings.
Give leadership to all ship meetings and activities.
Share responsibilities of leading the ship with the other officers.
Know the needs and interests of ship members.
Watch for individual ship members who may have problems, questions, or concerns.
Direct the development of your ship’s operational plan.
Appoint ship members to serve as activity committee chairs.
Boatswain’s Mate for Administration
Take over for the ship’s boatswain when necessary.
Give leadership to recruiting new members into the ship by
Coordinating plans for an annual open house to invite new members to join
Encouraging all ship members to bring new prospects to ship meetings and activities
Admitting new members into the ship. Be sure they are introduced and feel welcome.
Follow up with ship members who seem to be losing interest in the ship.
Recognize the achievements of ship members.
Conduct opening and closing ceremonies for your ship.
Boatswain’s Mate for Program
Collect activity and meeting ideas from ship members by
Asking ship members what they would like their ship to do
Surveying ship members on their interests
Evaluating ship meetings and activities after they take place
Maintain an activities file of programs, activities, projects, and trips.
Help ship’s activity chairs plan and conduct successful activities.
Keep minutes of quarterdeck and ship meetings.
Remind officers of assigned tasks.
Keep membership records for the ship.
Supervise ship’s correspondence.
Keep all ship members informed about upcoming meetings, activities, and projects.
Track income and expenditures of the ship with guidance from the adult committee treasurer.
With the help of your ship’s Skipper and officers, set up a yearly budget.
Make regular treasury reports at ship’s meetings.
Obtain approval from ship officers and Skipper for expenditures.
Procure and arrange equipment maintenance.
Track the coming and going of ship equipment.
Keep an inventory of equipment.
We focus on training — in a nautical context — to refine sea scouts into good citizens. We expect good citizens make the best leaders. We are also focused on advancing the leadership training of our scouts. Here are a few of the courses available through Sea Scouts BSA:
Duty to God | Introduction to Leadership Skills Sea Scouts (ILSS) | National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT) | National Advanced Youth Leadership Experience (NAYLE) | Sea Scout Experience Advanced Leadership Training (SEAL) | Wood Badge | Seabadge
The more responsibility the Scoutmaster gives his patrol leaders, the more they will respond.
-- Robert Baden-Powel
We support these youth leadership positions with a number of adult volunteers: