Why Join?
Ship 2 Adventure
Join To Learn
We are part of Sea Scouts, BSA. We bring character building, citizenship training, and personal fitness to our scouts.
We encourage each other to learn. As we learn, we advance through various Sea Scout awards: Apprentice, Ordinary, Able, and Quartermaster.
Making Your Future Self
Our goal is to improve our personal character while securing our future. Part of this deals with sacrificing for the community; We give back because service is one of our core principals as good citizens.
Another part deals with who we want to be and what skill we want to learn. Commonly, we are focused on achieving skills for a:
- safe, life-long hobby;
- maritime career; and/or
- research and sciences
What You Can Learn
Our training utilizes the expertise available through our ship, outside consultants, council, and/or at regional events. For instance, our area offers yearly opportunities like Salt and Sleet.
General Scouting skills:
Sea Scouts learn and use scouting stuff! Existing scouts will build on the foundation of merit badges as they transition from Scouts BSA to Sea Scouts BSA. Here are several that directly apply to both your pathway to Eagle and experience in Sea Scouts.
Specialized nautical skills:
Sea Scouts extend on this scouting skills in specialized and interesting areas. We list some of the ship specific skills below:
Boat building | Boat Handling | Engines | Galley Operations | Heritage Specializations | Marlinspike Seamanship | Marine Safety | Piloting and Navigation | Racing | Advanced SCUBA | Seamanship | Signals Signs and Codes | Small Boat Sailing | Vessel Rigging | Vessel Electricity
Where You Can Go
Here are a few places where Sea Scouts can be found:
Oceanography | Marine Biology | Ichthyology | Ocean Transportation | Marine Engineering | Coastal Fisheries | Naval Architecture | Maritime and Admiralty Law | Commercial Yachting | Marine Insurance | Marine Maintenance | United States Navy | United States Coast Guard | United States NOAA Corps | United States Merchant Marine