
Ship 2 Adventure

Ship Log

Election: Scrubbed for this term. The ship voted to change terms from six (6) months to four (4) months. The new terms are:

• Jan-Apr,

• May-Aug, and

• Sep-Dec.

Then, the ship voted to table the election of officers until the end of the current Jan-Apr term. Current positions remain in affect.

Welcome our new Sea Scout, AJ!

Activity Shirts! Class B: (noun) euphemism for a type of unofficial uniform worn when a unit does stuff but does not want to ruin the real uniform (class A). Front: "S2A" Back: "2022"

"Last night was our first attempt at DIY screening printing. I call it: 'Adventures in watching paint dry'

"Extra hands would not have overcome our eagerness to rush the job. Hubris overtook us and we discovered that dry-enough isn’t a thing. We made a mess and had to start over from scratch.

"Last night was a reminder that a scout is cheerful while doing one’s best to remain mentally awake.

"-- Skipper"

Meeting at Camp Snyder ... Skipper messed this up with work....

"I apologize if tonight disrupted your world; It has mine. I’ve forgotten how much time is involved in physically getting somewhere vs. clicking a mouse to connect. Tonight was an experiment on our effort to reconstitute in-person meetings. Some things did not work out. We will overcome those challenges and be better next time. There will be a next time!"

"-- Skipper"

Zoom Meeting where we discussed two important items:

  1. Sea Scout Regional Spring Training on Catoctin Mountain is on April 1-3. WILL YOU BE THERE? This is for Adults and Youth. We are looking for instructors.

  2. There is a local United States Coast Guard Auxilliary that meets the 3rd Thursday of each month in Mt. Vernon. DO YOU WANT TO ATTEND THAT?

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